How To Apply Behavioural Science For Business Success
By Richard Chataway
Book cover of The Behaviour Business. Credit: Harriman House.
The book in three words?
Enlightening - Trustworthy - Witty
What is it about?
Written by successful business leader, Richard Chataway, The Behaviour Business is an
important guide for the workplace. To put it simply, the book gives you insights into
behavioural science and teaches you how to use this knowledge for your own business
success. From ‘test-tube behaviours’ to ethical AI, Chataway has got you covered.
Something that becomes quickly apparent whilst reading the book is that if you lead a
business, you are already a part of influencing behaviour. Chataway provides you with the
understanding and tools to act on this positively.
The Behaviour Business explores how to overcome modern challenges in the business
sector, have happy employees, committed customers and effectively innovate as well
as much more! Chataway teaches that the key to gaining and retaining these things is
morally influencing behaviour.
So, you’re in the business of behaviour. What now?
Chataway answers this question in a clear but thorough way. The real-life examples infused
throughout the pages aid your understanding and the chapters end with a ‘What Now?’
section. These sections, summarise the essential points covered so far as well as what the
reader can do with this newly gained information. Not only do you end each chapter
feeling more knowledgeable, but you are also in a better position to apply the
teachings to your own business.
Who is this book for?
Despite being filled to the brim with helpful information, The Behaviour Business is
accessible and clear. This means you do not need to be an expert from when you open the
first page! Chataway teaches that understanding how to ethically influence behaviour is
an essential part of a successful business. So, if you are a leader of a business of any
size, Chataway’s guidance will be especially advantageous for you.
A moment with the author:
What inspired you to write the book?
“Having spent over a decade working in applied behavioural science I observed that
whilst there was a widespread successful application in society – addressing challenges in
public health, finance, and security – businesses were not using this new knowledge to their
advantage. Every business challenge will have an aim to address behaviour in some way, of
either your customers or your teams (or both), so there’s much we can learn from this
relatively new discipline. If you’re in business, you are in the business of behaviour –
and so I wanted to create a handy, practical introduction to some of the many ways we
can successfully influence behaviour in business, for good.”
What would you like people to gain by reading the book?
“I hope readers take away that people are perhaps a little less rational than we traditionally
assume, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help them make better decisions – that benefit
themselves, and business. My aim is that by reading the book readers understand why
people – including themselves – do what they do and that by treating people as humans
they can better address business challenges in creating new products and services,
data, performance, recruitment, marketing and research. The book advocates adopting
‘test-tube behaviours’ – a best practice application of behavioural science along with a
rigorous test-and-learn approach, as practised by some of the leading 21st-century
businesses – and offers handy tips and relatable examples throughout to bring it to
- Richard Chataway, Author of The Behaviour Business, CEO of BVA Nudge Unit
UK and Founder of the Communication Science Group
To sum it up:
The Behaviour Business guides you on a logical and informative path that will leave you
with a heightened understanding of how influencing your own and others' behaviour
works. Chataway helps you to be an effective business leader that creates positive
Want to know more?
Find out more about Richard Chataway’s The Behaviour Business here
Listen to the Behaviour Business podcast here
Contact me at
Written by Chloe Allison